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  • 5th Edition Task List
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Measurement, Data Display, and Interpretation

Section C of the 5th Edition Task List

C-1 Establish operational definitions of behavior.

C-2 Distinguish among direct, indirect, and product measures of behavior.

C-3 Measure occurrence (e.g., count, frequency, rate, percentage).

C-4 Measure temporal dimensions of behavior (e.g., duration, latency, interresponse time).

C-5 Measure form and strength of behavior (e.g., topography, magnitude).

C-6 Measure trials to criterion.

C-7 Design and implement sampling procedures (i.e., interval recording, time sampling).

C-8 Evaluate the validity and reliability of measurement procedures.

C-9 Select a measurement system to obtain representative data given the dimensions of behavior and the logistics of observing and recording.

C-10 Graph data to communicate relevant quantitative relations (e.g., equal-interval graphs, bar graphs, cumulative records).

C-11 Interpret graphed data.



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