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  • 5th Edition Task List
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Test with Confidence.

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Behavior-Change Procedures

Section G of the 5th Edition Task List

G-1 Use positive and negative reinforcement procedures to strengthen behavior.

G-2 Use interventions based on motivating operations and discriminative stimuli.

G-3 Establish and use conditioned reinforcers.

G-4 Use stimulus and response prompts and fading.

G-5 Use modeling and imitation training.

G-6 Use instructions and rules.

G-7 Use shaping.

G-8 Use chaining.

G-9 Use discrete-trial, free-operant, and naturalistic teaching arrangements.

G-10 Teach simple and conditional discriminations.

G-11 Use Skinner’s analysis to teach verbal behavior.

G-12 Use equivalence-based instruction.

G-13 Use the high-probability instructional sequence.

G-14 Use reinforcement procedures to weaken behavior.

G-15 Use extinction.

G-16 Use positive and negative punishment.

G-17 Use token economies.

G-18 Use group contingencies.

G-19 Use contingency contracting.

G-20 Use self-management strategies.

G-21 Use procedures to promote stimulus and response generalization.

G-22 Use procedures to promote maintenance.



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